project overview
The Moffett Park Specific Plan area is approximately 1,156-acre site located in the northern most portion of the City of Sunnyvale. The plan area is bounded by State Route 237 and U.S. Highway 101 to the south, Moffett Federal Airfield to the west, Caribbean Drive to the north, and Sunnyvale Baylands Park to the east.
In 2004, the City adopted the Moffett Park Specific Plan and amended it in 2013. The Specific Plan focused on incentivizing office development, diversifying the industrial base, and supporting emerging businesses. The Plan laid out a vision for a smart growth pattern, locating density near VTA light trail, creating walkable blocks, and requiring sustainable design.
Today, the City faces a new set of opportunities and challenges that invites new thinking and vision. On July 11, 2023, the City Council certified and adopted the EIR and updated Moffett Park Specific Plan (MPSP). The updated plan does the following:
Considers the economic impacts of adding new housing
Improves non-automotive transportation
Promotes walkable and bikeable environments
Creates an eco-innovation district
Prepares an implementation strategy for infrastructure and services
moffett park specific plan map
plan area context
The City of Sunnyvale has grown significantly over the past decade. At present, the City is home to approximately 153,000 people – a 9.4% increase since 2010 (U.S. Census Bureau). Furthermore, thousands of workers throughout the Bay Area make their daily community into Sunnyvale and across the city’s borders into surrounding jurisdictions, including Mountain View, Santa Clara, and San Jose. These influxes of permanent residents, commuters, and visitors alike have placed incredible pressures upon the environment, public health, affordability, and many other aspects of daily life in Sunnyvale.
regional bay area
Moffett Park constitutes the northern-most land area within the City of Sunnyvale’s boundary. It’s connection to the larger city especially regarding access to public services and infrastructure is unfortunately fragmented, as service is highly limited with the plan area. Despite its proximity to Baylands Park and a recently completed fire station, Moffett Park is located quite a distance from other vital community resources including hospitals with emergency services, public schools, or civic institutions such as libraries.