Understanding the Future video series
“Understanding the Future” is a video series that offers unique insight into Moffett Park and how the City is working collaboratively to respond to challenges and forge a path for the future. The series covers a range of topics including mobility, open space, and market conditions. We look forward to hearing your feedback and insight through corresponding micro surveys unique to each topic.
Hear a few words from the Moffett Park Specific Plan’s former project manager as she introduces the series:
what will Moffett Park be in the future?
Part 1 - Mobility
In this first video, we learn about mobility conditions in Moffett Park. Transportation experts from Nelson\Nygaard walk through existing conditions and challenges related to transportation, infrastructure, and other mobility options in Moffett Park and Sunnyvale. The discussion begins at minute 1:41 after a brief introduction from the City of Sunnyvale.
Community members were provided an opportunity to respond and share their thoughts about the video in the survey below (now closed). A copy of the slides featured in this presentation are available here: Mobility Presentation slides
Part 2 - Market Conditions
The second video in this series is brought to you by Strategic Economics, and focuses on topics including housing, office demand, and local businesses. Looking both within Moffett Park and regionally, this video considers trends and patterns as they influence commerce and activity. Strategic Economics’ presentation begins at minute 1:08.
Community members were provided an opportunity to respond and share their thoughts about the video in the survey below (now closed). A copy of the slides featured in this presentation are available here: Market Conditions Presentation slides
Part 3 - Ecology
Hear from the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) as they introduce ecological conditions in Moffett Park. Also check out our Resources page to read their Making Nature’s City report. The discussion begins at minute 1:05 after a brief introduction from the City of Sunnyvale.
Community members were provided an opportunity to respond and share their thoughts about the video in the survey below (now closed). A copy of the slides featured in this presentation are available here: Ecology Presentation slides
Part 4 - Open Space
CMG Landscape Architects discusses current open space conditions in Moffett Park, and more importantly describes how open space resources and amenities could transform the future Moffett Park into an inclusive, active environment. The discussion begins at minute 1:04.
Community members were provided an opportunity to respond and share their thoughts about the video in the survey below (now closed). A copy of the slides featured in this presentation are available here: Open Space Presentation slides
Part 5 - Land Use
Raimi + Associates takes a look at land use patterns in Moffett Park, highlighting both strengths and challenges attributed to the current composition of office buildings, industrial facilities, and parking lots that define the plan area. The discussion begins at minute 1:05.
Community members were provided an opportunity to respond and share their thoughts about the video in the survey below (now closed). A copy of the slides featured in this presentation are available here: Land Use Presentation slides
Part 6 - Flooding and Sea-level Rise Adaptation
While Moffett Park is a major economic hub, its proximity to regional open space resources such as Baylands Park and the San Francisco Bay requires a unique and strategic approach to matters of climate change, sea-level rise, flooding, and other ecological conditions. Environmental Science Associates (ESA) examines many of these topics in the latest video, engaging with flood hazards and sea-level rise adaptation in the specific plan area. The discussion begins at minute 1:05.
Community members were provided an opportunity to respond and share their thoughts about the video in the survey below (now closed). A copy of the slides featured in this presentation are available here: Flooding and SLR Presentation slides