what is a specific plan?
A Specific Plan is a comprehensive planning and zoning tool for a small area within a community. It establishes the vision and guiding principles for the area and the standards to guide future development. They are separate from, but must be consistent with, a jurisdiction’s adopted General Plan.
Topics covered in this Specific Plan include:
Land use
Development standards + design guidelines
Public realm + placemaking
Mobility + transportation
Parks + open space
Urban ecology
Sustainability + climate change, including sea level rise
Utilities + public services
Economic + market conditions
The Specific Plan also includes a series of implementation measures.
In addition to the Specific Plan, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared, including the analysis and disclosure of the potential impacts of the Specific Plan on the environment. This process is required by the State’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
You can read the Public Draft Specific Plan here.
You can read the previous Moffett Park Specific Plan from 2013 here.