project timeline
The Moffett Park Specific Plan Update process started in November of 2019. The project was divided into 4 distinct phases:
Issues, Vision, and Guiding Principles (Fall 2019 - Winter 2020/21)
Background Research and Outreach (Fall 2020 - Spring 2021)
Plan Development: Land Use, Mobility, Open Space, Urban Ecology, Sea Level Rise, Infrastructure (Winter 2020/21 - Spring 2022)
Policy Direction, Specific Plan Preparation and Adoption (Summer 2021 - Summer 2023)
The Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report were released for Public Review in December 2022. The City Council certified and adopted the EIR and MPSP on July 11, 2023.
Throughout the process, the City has been conducting ongoing outreach to stakeholders, property owners, neighborhood groups, and many others. Some of these activities included:
City Council (CC) and Planning Commission study sessions and hearings, and additional adoption hearings
Please see our Events and Activity page for more information on past events. Video recordings of previous meetings and events are also available.